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Press-kit Interplast 2022: Plastics Industry fair Focuses on Innovations and Technologies from the Last Four Years
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With the pandemic, biennial event was not held in 2020 and should attract visitors from all regions of Brazil and other countries

The 11th Interplast – Plastic Technology Integration Fair and Congress, will be held from April 5 to 8, 2022, in Joinville, SC. After four years, without face-to-face access to launches, innovations and technologies, the fair should be a public success, attracting professionals in the plastics industry from all over Brazil and other countries. In the 2018 edition, visitors to the fair came from 12 different countries, 24 Brazilian states and 683 different cities, surpassing the mark of 28 thousand people.

“We see a market lacking in innovations and technologies. As much as online interaction has met market demands during the pandemic period, face-to-face interaction with suppliers, viewing machines and equipment in operation, learning about new raw materials and expanding technical knowledge, are fundamental for this moment”, he comments. Richard Spirandelli, director of Messe Brasil.

Interplast is consolidated as one of the main events in Brazil that brings together the complete plastic chain in the same environment, ranging from mold suppliers to raw materials, machinery and equipment, in addition to having simultaneous activities of technical knowledge and business rounds.

The fair occupies the 22,000 m² of the EXPOVILLE Convention and Exhibition Center pavilions, with the presence of around 400 exhibiting brands, and more than 40 hours of content aimed at professionals in the sector.
Interplast is held in a market-friendly environment, considering that Santa Catarina has an important hub with more than a thousand plastic processing industries, standing out on the national scene as the second hub in the sector, according to a survey by Abiplast.

The plastics industries employ more than 37 thousand people directly in Santa Catarina and it is estimated twice as many indirect jobs. More than 1 million tons of plastic are processed in the state annually, including large companies operating nationally and internationally, with emphasis on the manufacture of technical parts, packaging for food and medicine conservation, transport items, products for civil construction, auto parts , electronics parts, home appliances, housewares and disposable products.

Among the differentials of the Santa Catarina plastics industry, the workforce prepared and interested in constant qualification, as well as public and private educational institutions, which provide training opportunities to professionals, stand out. Another striking feature is the well-defined areas of activity in the state: the South in disposables, the North in products for civil construction and technical parts and the West in packaging. Access to the supply of energy sources, port services, quality of life and investments in technology and innovation are determining factors to highlight Santa Catarina in the national industry scenario.

Santa Catarina is the second fastest growing economy in the country in 2021

According to data collected by the FIESC Observatory, after the decline in economic activity in 2020, as a result of the covid-19 pandemic, Santa Catarina returned to record expansion in 2021. The growth was 6.4% compared to the previous year, which shows the robustness of the Santa Catarina economy in the recovery and maintenance of post-pandemic growth, in addition to representing the second biggest advance among Brazilian states in 2021. In the national scenario, growth was 4.5% on the same basis of comparison.

Santa Catarina registered the country’s biggest expansion in industrial production in 2021, with a growth of 10.3% compared to 2020. Santa Catarina’s industrial activity was driven, above all, by sectors with high technological intensity. This result sustained production levels at pre-pandemic levels throughout the year. Even with market distortions, the expansion of the Construction sector and the increase in external demand for industrial inputs played an important role in boosting the industrial economy of Santa Catarina.

In the State Services sector, there was an expansion of 14.8% in 2021, higher than the national growth of 10.9%, with emphasis on tourist activities and services provided to families, positively impacted by the resumption of the flow of people on the streets. Despite this, both activities are still at a level below the pre-pandemic level.

Graphene technology should revolutionize the segment industry and make it possible to produce plastics that are stronger than steel

Messe Brasil, organizer of Interplast, entered into a partnership with Zextec Nano, a division of Zextec specialized in improving industrial processes, focusing on the development of nano solutions based on graphene, a technology that makes it possible to produce plastics that are more resistant than steel.

Graphene has been considered a material with 1001 uses and one of the elements that will revolutionize the technological industry due to its strength, lightness, transparency and flexibility, in addition to being a great conductor of electricity. In practice, graphene is the strongest (200 times stronger than steel), lighter and thinnest material that exists (thickness of one atom). To give you an idea, 3 million layers of graphene stacked up to a height of 1 millimeter. In addition, it can be dipped in liquid without rusting or damaging the composition, and it is extremely cheap to produce.

At the fair, graphene technology for polymers will be presented, which gives better thermal and mechanical properties to plastic parts. The use of graphene also allows improvements in the molding process of the material itself, reducing production cycles in injection processes. Applications can be made in thermoplastics, thermosets and elastomers.

In composites, which already have the function of replacing other materials in terms of mechanical strength gains and weight reduction, the use of graphene further enhances these properties. Applications are made in composites for prototyping and special resins.

For application in packaging, the great advantage of graphene is its bactericidal property. Using graphene packaging for perishable products increases storage time and reduces production costs.

In addition to the stand at the fair, the partnership made it possible to hold a Seminar, on April 6, on the technological production of graphene, how it came about, application in the market, how to make investment projects in the plastics industry viable, and a panel with companies that use The technology.

Zextec Nano is the result of a partnership between the company Zextec, the University of Caxias do Sul, UCSGRAPHENE and Tecnoucs. The biggest challenge for companies and developers that bet on the technology is to make the production of the material commercially viable and on a large scale – most tests are carried out today in laboratories. This scenario should change with the arrival of new procedures, which try to make graphene fabrication feasible for the masses. Several international studies and, within Brazil, have shown promise for the advancement of the graphene era.

06/04 – Thursday – Graphene Journey
UCSGRAPHENE is the first and largest industrial-scale graphene production plant in Latin America installed by a university. In operation since March 2020, it brings together the expertise of the University of Caxias do Sul gained in 15 years of advanced research in nanomaterials, generating high-quality graphene for the provision of innovative technological services to sectors with a future.
• History of Graphene
• Application of Graphene and its possibilities in the Plastic Industry
• How to enable Projects with Graphene

• Professor Diego Piazza – UCS Graphene
• Hugo de Sousa – Director Zextecnano
• Erica Ferreira – Atypical

Location: Sala Bromélia N.4 – Rua XV de Novembro, 4315 – Expoville – Joinville – SC
Realization: UCS Graphene / ZextecNano / Atypical
Free registration:

Programming of the technical congress is focused on innovation and technology

Messe Brasil, organizer of Interplast, in partnership with IST, SENAI SC and Fiesc, defined the schedule for CINTEC Plásticos 2022. The technical congress brings topics related to innovation and technologies for the plastics processing industry. The following lectures are included:
• Applied additive manufacturing – Prof. Luis Gonzaga Travassos, PhD – ISI
• Education 4.0 – Predictive Manufacturing – Alex Kühnen, Msc. – Senai SC
• Industry 4.0 applied to predictive maintenance – Israel Furtado – KRONA
• Polymeric materials applied in the health area – Palova S. Balzer – Univille
• Microfabrication of parts applied to Bioengineering – Águedo Aragones – NOWAD Biomaterials
• Use of biomass resources in the production of plastic materials – Jordão Gheller Júnior – ISI POLÍMEROS
• Color trend for 2023 – Fabio Fazolim – AVIENT
• Laser manufacturing and processing system – Ariel Paulo Rezende – ISI

The Congress will be held during Interplast, on April 7, from 2 pm to 6:30 pm, in the auditorium of Sala Bromélia n. 4. Registration is free and can be done on the fair’s website.

Espaço Recicla Plástico organized by Termotécnica and Unigel demonstrates how recycling is done

Termotécnica, in partnership with Unigel, will present the Espaço Recicla Plástico at Interplast 2022. The public will be able to learn about plastic recycling equipment and processes, and products made with raw materials resulting from the recycling of these materials. “With this, we seek to stimulate the development of new projects, investments and engagement with the recycling theme. The idea is to highlight recyclability through an innovative process that benefits consumers and the environment”, says the president of Termotécnica, Albano Schmidt.

The objective of Espaço Recicla Plástico is to demonstrate the circular economy being carried out in practice, from the collection of post-consumer packaging, its transformation into raw material of recycled origin, to its consolidation into new products. This is the case of the partnership between Termotécnica and Unigel to transform post-consumer EPS packaging into recycled raw material for the production of technical parts for home appliances. In other words, the EPS that packs and protects a refrigerator, after consumption is collected and recycled by Termotécnica, which transforms it into new raw material sold under the REPOR brand. In turn, REPOR is a component that Unigel incorporates in the production of ECOGEL®, a 100% recycled raw material that has been used by home appliance manufacturers and other segments for the production of components for their product lines. . “In the production of our ECOGEL®, Termotécnica’s REPOR is an important raw material. In practice, EPS packaging for home appliances returns to the production chain after fulfilling their function, being transformed into new durable components that will be incorporated into new products, such as home appliances”, comments Unigel’s commercial director, Marcelo Christmas.

In this way, Unigel and Termotécnica are working together to make the circularity of materials happen in practice, showing that it is possible to make the recycling of plastics viable in a sustainable way. “Our environmental approach brings circularity into practice, including an integrated vision from product design, operational efficiency, through reverse logistics and recycling and going to new production chains, closing the cycle of the circular economy. Thinking about the logistics chain as a whole, giving new life to post-consumer packaging, transforming them into noble products, meets society’s demand for companies to act responsibly in terms of sustainability”, declares Albano Schmidt, from Termotécnica.

* styrofoam is a trademark registered by third parties

Organized by Termotécnica and sponsored by Unigel, Espaço Recicla Plástico has the support of Abiplast, Projeto Isopor Amigo, CNRPlas, Messe Brasil, Revista Plástico Sul, Simpesc and Odnum.

Quality, instrumentation and measurement workshop organized by CSQI, ABIMAQ Sectorial Chamber

The presentation of technical content to exhibitors and visitors has been an increasingly sought after tool at trade fairs. Within this context, CSQI – Sectorial Chamber for Machines, Equipment and Instruments for Quality Control, Testing and Measurement of ABIMAQ holds the Quality, Instrumentation and Measurement Workshop, on April 7, from 2 pm to 6 pm, during Interplast. Check the schedule:

2 pm – Quality & durability of plastic materials – Accelerated weathering tests to determine the degradation of plastic materials exposed to the sun and weather conditions
Speaker: Engineer Carlos Maciel – Director of Bass Equipamentos.
14:30 – Solutions and technologies for the plastics industry
Speaker: Danilo Lapastine – President of Hexagon
15h – Application of pressure instruments in the plastic industry.
Speaker: Hugo Silva – Special Account Manager at Wika do Brasil
15:30 – Quality Control in Thickness Measurement, recommended practices for the good use and conservation of instruments
Speaker: Amilton Mainard – Director of Mainard Thickness Gauges
16h – Solutions for measurement in the plastics industry
Speaker: Nelson da Cunha Pinto Filho da Mitutoyo
16:30 – Extrusion Plastometer for Measurement of Fluidity Index and Intrinsic Viscosity
Speaker: Alaide Ferreira from Digitrol
5pm – Non-contact linear position sensors for the plastics industry
Speaker: Jhuniur Agustín Apaza Yana from MTS Brazil

Participation in the workshop is free and registration is available on the Interplast website.

Interplast will have a South Plastic Circular Economy Forum

The 1st South Plastic Circular Economy Forum will be held during Interplast 2022, on April 7, from 1:30 pm to 7:00 pm, as part of the programming of the Recicla Plástico space. The event will be aimed at professionals in the plastics transformation industry, recycling industry, suppliers, cooperatives, NGOs, civil societies and others interested in the topic.

The forum will cover a diverse theme and has the following schedule:
1pm – Melina Gonçalves Opening – Plástico Sul
1:35 pm – José Ricardo Roriz Coelho – President of Abiplast
1:40 pm – ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC POLICIES IN THE RECYCLING INDUSTRY AND THE CHALLENGES OF THE NATIONAL SOLID WASTE POLICY – Deputy Carlos Gomes, President of the Mixed Parliamentary Front in Defense of the Recycling Production Chain at the National Congress. PARTICIPATION: Luiz Henrique Harttmann
2 pm – BRASKEM’S JOURNEY IN THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND ITS INITIATIVES TO TRANSFORM THE PLASTIC CHAIN ​​– Fernanda Boldo, Director of Circular Economy at Braskem in South America
3:50 pm – Coffee Break
4:20 pm – THE IMPACT OF THE WAR IN EUROPE ON BRAZILIAN PETROCHEMICAL INVESTMENTS – João Luiz Zuñeda, founding partner of Maxiquim
16:50 – HOW TO OPTIMIZE THE USE OF RECYCLED POLYOLEFINS THROUGH SPECIAL ADDITIVES – Jason Silva, technical-commercial consultant at Retilox
6pm – JBS ENVIRONMENTAL CASE ON CIRCULAR ECONOMY – Maria Paula Silveira Bibar, Sustainability manager and Fábio Cardin Maranho, Research and Development coordinator
19:10 – Closing session Albano Schmidt, president of Simpesc

The Plástico Sul Circular Economy Forum will be held in a hybrid format with the participation of the public in person and live broadcast on Youtube ) by Plástico Sul ( The event is organized by Plástico Sul, organized by Messe Brasil and supported by Simpesc, Simpep, Sinplast-RS and Simplás.

Business Round brings together buyers and seller

The Interplast Business Round will be held on April 6, in the morning and afternoon, at Expoville. The event takes place at a time when the plastics industry market is booming and there is a demand to diversify the network of suppliers.
“The plastics industry across the country finds in Messe Brasil events the opportunity to develop suppliers with access to innovation and technologies, and the continuous renewal of the bank of contacts, in these 25 years of relationship with the market”, highlights Richard Spirandelli, director of Messe Brasil.

The round brings together buyers from segments such as Automotive, Packaging and Civil Construction, with a focus on doing business. Among the companies that have already been confirmed are: Irizar, Apolo, Busscar, Nissan, Renault, WEG, Marcopolo, GTS do Brasil, Furukawa, Tecnoperfil, TAF, Krona, Termotécnica, Intelbras, Docol, Plastilit, Víqua, Mascarello, TRAPP, CR Produtos and Fortlev.

The event is sponsored by Krona, supported by Simpesc and will have meetings between buyers and sellers, with suppliers of diversified products, services and innovations for these markets.

Registrations can be made on the website

Exhibitor Workshops

The technical knowledge program is completed by workshops promoted by exhibitors. The action makes it possible for market professionals to have access to innovative technologies and releases, available to the plastics processing industry.

06/04 – Wednesday
2pm to 3pm – Mold in color versus sustainability.
APTA Resinas – Speaker: Tamy da Rosa and Carlos Dizioli – Sala Margarida N.12
2pm to 4pm – Technology in Hot Runner Systems and Mold Design.
Tecnoserv – Wilson R. M. Teixeira – Technical Director / Alexandre Colisse – Key Account – Sala Acácia N.13
15:00 to 16:00 – Secmil and its Applications
Carbomil – Speaker: Júnior Facin – Sala Margarida N.12
4pm to 5pm – Our Sustainable World
Multicolor – Speaker: Tiago Avrela and Rafael Tronco – Sala Margarida N.12
17:00 to 18:00 – Awareness of environmental value through the bio plastic compound
Petropol – Speaker: Rafael Prado Moraes – Sala Margarida N.12
5pm to 6pm – ESG in the plastics industry: is it possible?
Activas – Fernanda Boldo – Head ESG, Commercial and Marketing – Sala Acácia N.13
6pm to 7pm – Technology, application and performance of Log injection molding machines
Simco – Speaker: Fabio dos Santos Mota – Sala Margarida N.12
6pm to 7pm – Additives for Recycling
Cristal Master – Speaker: Patrícia Miranda – Sala Acacia N.13

07/04 – Thursday
2pm to 3pm – Biodegradable an option to meet sustainability
APTA Resinas – Speaker: Tamy da Rosa and Carlos Dizioli – Sala Margarida N.12
2pm to 3pm – Artificial Intelligence in Plastic Injection Processes
Milacron – Speaker: Telmo Noda – Acacia Room N.13
3pm to 4pm – Energia 360: Cheaper and Sustainable Energy for your Business
Vektor – Panel VEKTOR, CELESC, UDESC and BRDE – Acacia Room N.13
4pm to 5pm – Bio Resins & Sustainability Solutions (PCR)/ Co-Injection
Mold Masters – Speaker: Fabiano Nunes – Sala Margarida N.12
5pm to 6pm – Masterbatches – Color Trends 2022/2023 and the Circular Economy
Termocolor – Speaker: Elias Augusto – UP Universo Plástico – Acacia Room N.13
17:00 to 18:00 – Thermoplastic joining technology
NeoSonics – Speaker: Marcelo Simões Bento – Sala Margarida N.12
6pm to 7pm – Innovation and Sustainability
Cromex – Speaker: Giovanni Dias – Sala Margarida N.12

08/04 – Friday
2pm to 3pm – High performance resins in flexible packaging
Speaker – Fabiana Grossi – ExxonMobil – Sala Margarida N.12
16:00 to 17:00 – Improvement of the injection process with recycled materials
Peripherals of Brazil – Speaker :Mauricio/André – Sala Margarida N.12


Interplast – Plastic Technology Integration Fair and Congress
Date: April 5th to 8th, 2022
Hours: 1pm to 8pm
Location: EXPOVILLE Convention and Exhibition Center – R. XV de Novembro, 4315 – Glória, Joinville – SC
Realization: Simpesc (Union of the Plastic Material Industry of SC)
Organization: Messe Brasil
Visitor accreditation:
Photos edition 2018:

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