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Why so many people never miss a Market.
1 Last year
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Whether you’re a retail buyer or an interior designer, you probably have a busy work schedule. So why do so many industry professionals take the time to come to High Point Market twice a year, every single year? The short answer: inspiration, information and interaction.

It’s because we are so busy that we come to High Point. Each attendee can accomplish a lot in a few days. Touring the countless showrooms for inspiration is the first priority. We’re lucky this is a creative business, where new products and ideas are in continuous supply. Seeing products and design techniques in person provides a deeper understanding than what you can gather from a picture. Market is truly exhilarating.

Frankly speaking, coming to High Point Market is a business trip. We all know that to be successful, you need good information, including staying up on the latest trends. If you see something that inspires you, schedule a meeting with the manufacturer to learn more about it. Attend a seminar to hear from experienced professionals who understand the challenges and opportunities you face every day. Read a written report about an aspect of the industry that’s important to your business. Then discuss those insights with colleagues you’ve just met.

While exchanging ideas about design is fun, getting insights into customers or hearing what kinds of tactics work for businesses like yours is invaluable. While High Point Market looks and feels like a fashion show, it’s a serious business conference, where people are motivated to grow their businesses. Networking is a big part of that. Building a portfolio of contacts is easy here, and everyone loves doing it.

These are a few key reason why people come from all over the world to High Point Market. They invest the time because it’s the best way to make a quantum leap for their businesses. After you’ve come to High Point Market a few times, it will become a lot more obvious, and you too will join 75,000+ people who know exactly what we mean when we say, “High Point Market. Can’t wait. Can’t miss.”

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