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Panel discussion sessions with various invited panelists
2 Last year
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With representatives from printing and brand-owning companies as panelists, it is intended to provide specific and useful information directly relevant to business. The panel discussion will be streamed online on demand.

Keynote Session

Date and Time Thursday, Nov. 26
14:00 to 16:00

Conference Rooms 605 and 606:Capacity: 200

Reflecting on the Point of Contact between Digital Transformation (DX) and the Printing Industry

Description: While the evolution of digital media in recent years has brought about significant changes in markets and consumption behavior of customers, with emerging calls for digital transformation (DX) initiatives in a variety of areas, the printing industry’s take on DX has not gone beyond digitalization at the level of device and equipment. In this session, panelists will discuss the printing industry’s point of contact with DX and how you can approach or conceive DX in terms of business while introducing conceptions of DX from a broad perspective.
Date and Time: Saturday, Nov. 26, from 14:00 to 16:00

Moderators and Panelists

林 直孝氏

Lin Nao-hyoclan

J. Front Retailing Co., Ltd.

Executive Officer and Senior Managing Director, General Manager of Group Digital Division

岡本 幸憲氏

Yukinori Okamotoclan

Goof Corporation

Representative Director Evangelist

宮本 泰夫

Yasuo Miyamotoclan

Value Machine International Inc.

Executive Vice President



Date and Time Thursday, Nov. 24
14:00 to 16:00

Conference Room 102:Capacity: 100

Future Printing Factories Ushered in by Transformation into a Smart Factory

While certain recent changes have been called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, transformation into a smart factory, which realizes automation and man-power saving by using IoT, AI, etc., has come to be discussed in various areas in manufacturing. In this session, panelists will discuss what should be aimed at for the future with representatives from printing companies leading transformation into a smart factory while shedding light on the present stage of printing factories as a part of one area in manufacturing and essential issues they are faced with.

Moderators and Panelists

佐川 正純氏

Masazumi Sagawaclan

Sagawa Printing Co., Ltd.

President & CEO

松口 正氏

Loose mouth positiveclan

Osaka Sealing Printing Co., Ltd.

President & CEO

山川 誠氏

Makoto Yamakawaclan

Image Magic Inc.

President & CEO

久米 正広

Masahiro Kumeclan

Third Planning Corporation

Executive Officer and General Manager of the Technical Division

Date and Time Thursday, Nov. 25
11:00 to 13:00

Conference Room 102:Capacity: 100

Considering High Value Addition and Profiting Opportunities in the Printing Business

As printed matter comes to be increasingly diversified and produced in small batches, with a greater use of digital printing systems, higher value addition becomes an imperative for the printing business. In this session, panelists will discuss with representatives from brand owners what various profiting opportunities surrounding printing are for adding higher value to the printing business itself by departing from mere ink on paper printing and how such opportunities should be conceived.

Moderators and Panelists

山本 久喜氏

Kuki Yamamotoclan

Toyo Art Printing Co., Ltd.

President & CEO


Shinichiro Matsuokaclan

Director of Asapri Holdings Co., Ltd., Representative Director of Ole Co., Ltd., Representative Director of Rooster Co., Ltd.

田村 慎太郎氏

Shintaro Tamuraclan

Inspirational Company Rakutsu Co., Ltd.

Representative Director

田畠 義之氏

Yoshiyuki Tabataclan

Central Profix Corporation

President & CEO

14:00 to 16:00

Conference Room 102:Capacity: 100

Possibility for Digital Printing in the Industrial Printing Market

Printing technology is defined as what gives color to anything in the world and the scope of its object is not limited to printing paper but also covers objects in a wide range of areas including labels, packages, garments, and signboards. The evolution of digital printing technology in recent years has heightened new possibilities in areas of special printing including small batch printing of diverse types and collaboration with marketing. In this session, panelists will consider the future potential of the industrial printing market with representatives from printing companies which are successful in their areas.

Moderators and Panelists

堀江 賢司氏

Kenji Horieclan

OpenFactory Inc.


五味 敦史氏

Atsushi Gomiclan

Nitto Pack Corporation

President & CEO

光弘 祐紀氏

Yuki Mitsuhiroclan

King Printing Corporation

President & CEO

Date and Time Thursday, Nov. 26
11:00 to 13:00

Conference Room 102:Capacity: 100

Seminar on the Japan Color Certification System

Focusing primarily on color management, it is intended to have the audience understand the utility of the Japan Color Certification System and ways to utilize it through discussion with representatives from excellent companies which obtained the certification and are making use of it.

Moderators and Panelists

波多野 孝司氏

Takashi Hatanoclan

Komori Corporation

Deputy General Manager of Business Promotion Division and General Manager of PESP Business Promotion Department

若木 裕介氏

Yusuke Wakagiclan

Dai-ichi Material Printing Co., Ltd.

General Manager, NBD Division

森澤 弘氏

Hiroshi Morizawaclan

Central Profix Corporation

Managing Director, Production Division, General Manager

大久保 寿男

Hisao Okuboclan

Production Management Department, Kojido Next
Production Headquarters

Quality Assurance Division Manager

Date and Time Thursday, Nov. 27
11:00 to 13:00

Conference Room 102:Capacity: 100

Let’s Talk about Key Words and Phrases in the Printing Business

As there are various aspects of changes in the external environment surrounding printing besides the contraction of the market size, there are various key words and phrases related to the printing market including environmental response, SDGs, digitalization, marketing, universal design, and development of various new materials. In this session, panelists will talk about business key words and phrases closely related to the future printing business.

Moderators and Panelists

北原 利行氏

Kitahara Lee Yukiclan

Dentsu Corporation Dentsu Media Innovation Laboratory

Principal Investigator, Media Innovation Research Department

西村 啓氏

Kei Nishimuraclan

Nishimura Shodo Co., Ltd.

Managing Director

鳥原 久資氏

Torihara Hisashiclan

Maruwa Corporation

President & CEO

14:00 to 16:00

Conference Room 102:Capacity: 100

Reconstruction and Future of Printing and Supply Chains Suggested by Changing Publishing and Printing Businesses

While the phrase “printing industry recession” has often been heard in recent years, it is also true that some major publishers have reported record-high profit owing to the diffusion of electronic comic books: the publishing business can be said to be undergoing a major period of transformation. In this session, which focuses on the reconstruction of supply chains for the printing industry, panelists will discuss the present and future states of such supply chains with representatives from companies addressing this issue in the forefront with a sense of crisis.

Moderators and Panelists

豊川 竜也氏

Tatsuya Toyokawaclan

Newbook Corporation

President & CEO

髙畑 千恵氏

Chie Takahataclan

PHP Research Institute, Inc.

Chief Manager, Electronics Division, Rights Bureau

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